Bienvenue sur le site de la residence la provence a proximite de l'etange de Berre
Phone: +33 4 42 34 49 69 / +33.6 28 42 56 18

20 Chemin des Calieux
13920 Saint Mitre les Remparts
 RESIDENCE LA PROVENCE Facebook - Résidence de tourisme La Provence

Home > Surroundings

Massif du Tallagard and marked paths

La Provence holiday village recommends the Pastorale, Caussiers and Agassons circuits.

La Pastorale:

Discover the pastoral farm, the flowerbeds, the "bories" (dry stone huts) and the bailiff Suffren's house and much more.  Suitable from the age of 5.

Distance: 5,7 Km. Duration: 2h30

Les Caussiers:

This path offers a stunning view over the Pays Salonais and surroundings. 

Distance: 3,7Km. Duration: 1h30


This path takes you on a lovely walk in the heart of the Massif du Tallagard.  It is most appreciated by cyclists as it mainly comprises a concrete path.

Distance: 6,5km. Duration: 2h


Top 15

fleche gauche fleche droite
Résidence de Tourisme La Provence *** (3 stars)
20 Chemin des Calieux
13920 Saint Mitre les Remparts
Phone: +33 4 42 34 49 69
Mobile phone : +33.6 28 42 56 18
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