Bienvenue sur le site de la residence la provence a proximite de l'etange de Berre
Phone: +33 4 42 34 49 69 / +33.6 28 42 56 18

20 Chemin des Calieux
13920 Saint Mitre les Remparts
 RESIDENCE LA PROVENCE Facebook - Résidence de tourisme La Provence

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Pont de Gau ornithological park

Marked paths with information boards on the majority of the bird species which live or transit through the Camargue.


Some of them are in aviaries where their biotope is recreated and pathways run through the 60 hectares of marshland so you can get close to the birds living freely and see the herds of bulls and horses.

Duration: from 1 to 2 hours



Top 15

fleche gauche fleche droite
Résidence de Tourisme La Provence *** (3 stars)
20 Chemin des Calieux
13920 Saint Mitre les Remparts
Phone: +33 4 42 34 49 69
Mobile phone : +33.6 28 42 56 18
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