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13920 Saint Mitre les Remparts
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Home > Surroundings > Sports holiday > Arles, la Camargue and la Crau

Etang de Fangassier (lake)

For over 20 years the Regional Nature Reserve in Camargue has watched over and encouraged the reproduction of pink flamingos in the Fangassier lake, owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral (coastal protection agency).


In partnership with the Park, the Tourist information centre in Arles, the Tour du Valat and the Conservatoire du littoral, the Bureau des guides naturalistes (nature guide association) offers discovery tours of one of the largest colonies of pink flamingos in western Mediterranean during the nesting season.

From 1st April to 31 September.



Top 15

fleche gauche fleche droite
Résidence de Tourisme La Provence *** (3 stars)
20 Chemin des Calieux
13920 Saint Mitre les Remparts
Phone: +33 4 42 34 49 69
Mobile phone : +33.6 28 42 56 18
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